I wasn't always confident...
I genuinely used to think being confident meant you were the bold, brash, in your face type of character, the one who wanted the centre of attention and who always stole the show, the one who did what it took to be centre stage! But, honestly, having been in the entertainment industry for 12 years, I can tell you, that’s everything I didn’t want to be…
I spent a lot of my years ‘pretending’ to be confident, trying to own a stage and perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people to almost prove to myself that I was capable, that I was deserving, when actually all it did was knock my confidence even more and highlight how much I didn’t really like myself at all. I wasted my time being envious of others, constantly comparing my journey and living in a state of pity and I was just truly miserable… even if I was ‘living the dream!’
I’ve been the one with imposter syndrome, the one who doubts herself even when she’s in the room, the one who plays small so others feel more comfortable, the one who dims her light in order for everyone else to shine, but all of these versions of me stemmed from a little girl who was seeking validation and approval… and I’m here to assure you, YOU CAN BE THAT FOR YOURSELF!
You can be your own approval, you can say yes to yourself, you can be your biggest cheerleader… It can start with you!
✨Confidence to me is✨
Knowing what matters and sticking to that! Staying true to yourself, your core values and honouring the woman, partner, friend and human you desire to be!
Being honest with yourself. It’s not all roses from here! In fact, most personal development journeys can be full of disappointment and grief. Letting go of the old you and saying bye to the person you were... Levelling up requires you to say goodbye and it can be painful but the glow up gets to be beautiful!
Honouring your boundaries and feeling confident in your decision making! Every decision now is bringing you closer to the life you deserve but remember… You do not get what you deserve, you get what you tolerate!
Boldly declining. If it's not for you, it’s a solid ‘Thank You, Next’ & truly remembering your worth. What IS coming to you is important and we don’t need to dwell on the what if’s!

After seeing myself physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally change, evolving into a woman I had no idea I was capable of being, seeing my growth, seeing my own blueprints…
I truly know it’s possible. If I can change, I promise you can.
I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me, only if you are ALL IN on yourselves, if you deserve the risk, if you are willing to say yes, if you know you want and need more..
I’m ALL IN with you too!
Girl, that confidence is gonna glow. I got you queen.
What you'll get:
6 weeks of high level group Confidence Coaching (Feb 5th - Mar 18th 2024)
Week 1 - Goals & Desires - setting up the life you want!
This gives you the chance to work on your true desires! What is really holding you back? What are your fears? How can we face them, remove them and reframe them to make them work FOR YOU! This isn’t about what is expected of you, what you think you have to live up to or how you need to show up in the world.. This is about truly embracing the woman you want to be! Showing up better for you, the career of your dreams, the finances that make you feel good and prioritising the relationships around you that mean everything to you! Week one is there to remove the bullshit and magnetise the future that you want!
Week 2 - NLP techniques and extra practices including Visualisation, Timeline & Meditation
Some of the most effective and most pivotal stages of my healing work over the last few years has definitely been down to NLP and the work I did with my therapist and coaches. It made me absolutely love these practices and after certifying as a coach, I use so many of these techniques in all my retreats, programmes and offerings as they have been life changing and so transformative. Imagine being able to sit with your inner child, to sooth your current self and to speak with your wisest version of yourself. I can take you on a journey through timeline work and other effective techniques that will serve every part of this transition.
Week 3 - Body Confidence - Dance / Movement / Sensual Work (removing shame and fear from our body and connecting with the core.) Feminine Archetype practises and embodiment work!
Most importantly, in order to have confidence in yourself, you must truly feel it in your body! As a former performer and dance teacher of 15 years, I have seen physical change in people once they allow themselves to FEEL their emotions. We hold so much fear, shame and sadness in our bodies, even trauma, that we deserve to remove and free ourselves from that heaviness. Sometimes, we can even use that pain and turn it into creativity or purpose but knowing how to claim that emotion in your body is powerful. I want you to enjoy your bodies, for all they do for you, for everything that is coming your way, for the love and joy you want in your life, I need you to trust that your body already has the answer and let us explore her vessel to truly let that power in!
We’ll also explore the core Female Archetypes and how we are showing up in our day to day, what is serving us, what is holding us back and who we need to tap into more. Creating a space for us to relish in the beauty, the love and the connection of the woman we are becoming!
Week 4 - Money Mindset - with tips on how to set up your own business and ask for more in your work space!
If there’s one thing I know to be true, it is that you are NOT GREEDY for WANTING MORE FOR YOURSELF! There has been so much shame around wanting more, feeling like we can’t ask for too much and having to settle with where we are at when actually this is a simple maths equation... If you vibrate as a caring, helpful, loving person, then with more money, you can become an even bigger carer, helper or lover! Money is a frequency and just projects all that is already within. You just get to be more bold and daring with your investments and your dreams. Having run 4 businesses already I can definitely offer my top tips, answer any questions and give you the best advice for starting your own business and how to manage your money better!
Week 5 - Authenticity and Using your voice - practices for showing up online, with public speaking and being your most authentic self!
One of the biggest turning points in your journey with building your confidence is how you actually start to show up bigger! The conversations you have, your boundaries, the way you dress, communicate and even show up online. It’s a huge shift and whilst it feels empowering, you are also having to grieve the previous versions of yourself. We create space for this, thanking the person you had to be in order to show up as YOU NOW! In this session we’ll speak a lot about how to create better boundaries and how to communicate effectively whilst embracing your new voice.
We will also tap into social media, ways to market yourself and become authentic with putting yourself out there if this is an area you are wanting to explore for yourself or a business.. Get ready to be a little uncomfortable but also super creative within the group space!
Week 6 - Embodiment and Closing Circle
Our final week will be about embracing the journey, who you are truly becoming and holding space for yourself and the other ladies on the course. We will have an open space to share, to hold each other and to claim the life we want to live whilst closing with a powerful group manifestation and visualisation.
Telegram Group Chat with other women in the programme
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